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#JamisonforJustice Ad

Added on February 1, 2024

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Ad Text: In this social media ad, Judge Jamison says, “The Supreme Court should be accessible to everyone, not just the wealthy or powerful. It can provide checks and balances to those who overreach or abuse power. I’m Judge Terri Jamison. The Supreme Court should be independent and treat everyone equally, with fairness, dignity, and respect, and keep politics out of our highest court because equal justice matters. Join me in taking a stand for justice. I ask for your vote. I’m Judge Terry Jamison.”

Who's responsible for this ad?

This ad is paid for by Judge Jamison’s campaign, the Committee for Terri Jamison. In the 2023 campaign finance filings with the Ohio Secretary of State, Jamison’s campaign reported receiving 339 contributions. These contributions ranged from $1 to $100 and totaled $3,852.90. In the most recent filing, the committee reports having $6,056.63 on hand or available to spend. 

Discussion and Analysis

Jamison used this video as a television ad, then entitled “Accessible to Everyone”, during her 2022 campaign for Ohio Supreme Court. Repackaging campaign ads makes sense in the context of a primary election where she was not endorsed as the Democratic candidate and making ads can be cost prohibitive. 


Context: The ad focuses on the candidate and her values and contrasts them with our state’s ongoing challenge addressing corruption.

This ad has citations to WOSU’s The Year in Scandal: Ohio Statehouse Plagued by Controversies in 2018, Columbus Monthly’s Matt Borges, Larry Householder and Ohio’s Corruptible Democracy, and Dayton Business Journal’s Study: Ohio Among the Most Corrupt States.