Judge the Ads Ohio

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Added on October 21, 2024

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Ad text: The narrator says, “When the unthinkable happens, Dan Hawkins delivers justice. As director of the Franklin County SVU, Dan delivered for victims. Then from the bench, Hawkins cracked down on drug houses and illegal immigration. Dan Hawkins for Ohio Supreme Court.”

Who's responsible for this ad?

This is a traditional candidate ad paid for by the Hawkins for Ohio committee. From Jan. 2023 to September 2024, Dan Hawkins’ campaign committee has received over half a million dollars ($777,036.17) including monetary and in-kind donations). In the September 2024 report, his campaign reported having $679,994.80 available to spend in the race. To see contributions to candidates for the Ohio Supreme Court, visit the Ohio Secretary of State’s website. Examine top donations here.

Discussion and Analysis

Context provided by Jessica Dickinson, Outreach and Engagement Manager, Ohio Fair Courts Alliance

This “tough on crime” political ad is similar to other ads this year and is a common ad tactic. Dan Hawkins talks about his criminal justice career and uses cases regarding “drug houses and illegal immigration” as an example of his judicial “success.” Drugs and illegal immigration are hot button issues for many voters. 

This ad focuses on Hawkin’s resume but fails to include newspaper articles or citations to back up the claims.

Hawkins’ prosecutorial and lower court judicial experience do not necessarily translate to what is required for justices of the Ohio Supreme Court. As a judge on the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, he hears felony criminal cases and civil cases in which the sum or matter in dispute exceeds $15,000. The Ohio Supreme Court is a court of last resort on state constitutional questions of public or great general interest; appeals from the Public Utilities Commission, all death sentences; and original jurisdiction in select cases.