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Red Wine and Blue “Daughters” Ad

Added on November 3, 2022

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Ad text:

In this social media ad, a woman says, “I’m the mom of a beautiful 13-year-old girl.” A second woman adds, “My 27-year-old has a mind of her own.”  

The first woman says, “I want to feel safe raising her in Ohio.” The second follows up, “I want my daughter to raise her family here in Ohio.” 

The first woman says, “But the way things are going, I’m worried. Abortion bans. Even birth control. Where does it end? It all comes down to who is sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court.”  The second follows up, “I am asking you, as a mom, to put our daughters’ safety first.”

“Vote for Justice Brunner, Jamison, and Zayas,” concludes the first woman.

Who's responsible for this ad?

This ad is sponsored by Red Wine and Blue, a nonprofit organization of active suburban moms which also has a SuperPAC which is registered with both the Federal Election Commission and the Ohio Secretary of State.

Open Secrets provides a summary of their activities including information about top donors which includes members of the prominent Cleveland-based Ratner Family. 

The Brennan Center for Justice’s Buying Time project has been tracking political spending in state Supreme Court races. Click here for information about political ads and spending in the Ohio Supreme Court races this year. 

Discussion and Analysis


This ad cites articles from a Time magazine’s How a 10-Year-Old Rape Victim who Traveled for an Abortion Became Part of a Political Firestorm and City Beat’s Ohio’s Newest Anti-Abortion Bill Could Lead to a Birth Control Ban.

In June in Dobbs v. Jacksonthe US Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, ruling that there is not a constitutional right to an abortion. This leaves the state to determine the legality of abortion.  

In 2019, the Ohio General Assembly passed a bill that prohibits abortions starting at six weeks. On October 6, the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas granted abortion providers’ and advocates’ request for a preliminary injunction. The Ohio Supreme Court will have the final word.

Cincinnati Right to Life conducted a survey of candidates for the Ohio Supreme Court.  All three Republican candidates responded that “life begins at conception.”

The Democratic candidates have been endorsed by champions of reproductive rights like Planned Parenthood and the Matriots PAC